Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Urizar Wedding

I was really looking forward to tape Crissa and Oscar's Wedding. I have known Crissa from taping her sister's wedding and her sister's friend's wedding, so I was really grateful and excited that she had approached us to tape her wedding too.

I love how her wedding was very untraditional, unique and fun. This was my first time being at a vineyard and being at Park Farm Winery. It was so breathtaking. And as usual, Joan Ney, the wedding coordinator, blew my mind away with her magic touch. There were so much details in this wedding, each decor had its own unique meaning. She was extremely dedicated to her job, I wasn't even sure if she sat down and ate her dinner, as she was always on her feet making sure everything ran fine. I really adore her dedication and talent. She really is one of a kind.

We also enjoyed the opportunity to work with Paul and Nicole from Catchlight Imaging. They happened to be friends of my ex-colleague. I love their pictures - extraordinary! Every now and then, we were lucky to run into photographers who too respect the work of videographers :).

It was such a beautiful day for Crissa and Oscar's outdoor wedding. You could tell that everyone really enjoyed themselves and was having lots of fun, even though it was hot. I always tell people that when I do video shoots, I always feel like I know these people, partly because I have an upclose and personal view. Just like when you watched your favorite TV show and you happened to run into the star of the show on the street. There are weddings where you can feel that there was more passion and connection between the couple and their families. This was one of those weddings. Crissa and Oscar were so in love, I think people who were there felt that. And their families were very close and supportive. I felt really happy to be around them and to be capturing the most important day of their lives.

At some point, I was very disappointed with myself when I was caught off guard with a brief attack of heat exhaustion. I was very concerned if I was able to last through the whole wedding. I was also very thankful that my new assistant, Nick, was there to help me out with all the heavy equipment. I have never seen anyone work so hard and have such great work attitude. I was not even intending to hire an assistant for this wedding, but I was really glad I did. I really did not think anyone would exceed my expectations, but he did.

Thank you, Crissa and Oscar, for having us at your wedding!

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